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Helpful College & Career Resources
College Transitions offers a dataverse with information on Colleges and applying to college: https://www.collegetransitions.com/dataverse/.
Streamable U - Live stream recordings on how to prepare for and apply to college are available through Safari Montage one of the apps on Classlink. There are also ACT and SAT test prep resources on Streamable U. Here are the steps to get there> Log into Classlink> Click on the Streamable Learning Icon> Click on Recordings in the green bar across the stop of the screen> Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the checkbox next to Streamable U> Click submit.
Understanding Your YouScience Results - CLICK HERE
College Search Engines:
http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/ Dept of Education College Navigator
https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/ School Search Big Future
http://www.campusexplorer.com/ Campus Explorer
http://www.collegemajors101.com/ College Majors 101
http://www.schoolfinder.com/ School Finder
http://www.imfirst.org/landing-no-video/ I’m First
http://www.quad2quad.com/ Quad 2 Quad
http://www.collegedata.com/ College Data
http://www.nextstepu.com/ College and Career search
http://www.mymajors.com/ My Majors.com
http://www.studyincanada.com/english/index.asp study in Canada
http://www.youniversitytv.com/ College and Career Videos
https://collegesupports.com/ For Students with Learning Disabilities
http://www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html - Academic Common Market
Career "Personality" Tests
GA Futures offer links to personality testing for specific careers and other career information. https://www.gafutures.org/career-exploration/
Career Search Engines
https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/ Career Search Big Future
http://vitalsigns.changetheequation.org/ STEM Occupations
http://www.pltw.org/ STEM careers
http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/news_ad_letssolvethis.aspx Let’s Solve This- videos on ideas in STEM
http://forgirlsinscience.org/ For Girls in Science technologies
http://www.societyforscience.org/ Society for Science
http://www.stemconnector.org/ STEMConnnector
http://www.ngcproject.org/ National Girls Collaborative Project
Coalition Application
More than 100 schools are now using the Coalition Application. Here is a link to the Coalition App.