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Northview High School Course Catalog - Look through the course catalog to determine what classes Northview offers and what prerequisites are needed.

Course Scheduling and Registration Forms

Senior Reduced Course Load Letter - (1) Sign the letter and return it to your counselor for review no later than May 12, 2025.

Online Classes Request Form - Available on our Online Classes web page.

Dual Enrollment Information - Go to our DE web page.

AP Courses Information - Go to our AP web page.

Northview Pathways and Optional Schools of Studies: The pathways graphic shows the many optional pathways offered at Northview in our four Schools of Study (Science &Techonolgy, Medicine, Business & Leadership, Art & Design). Students that successfully complete all courses in any pathway will earn a Diploma Seal that indicates to colleges a student’s enhanced learning in that area (some Pathways also require success on an End of Pathway Assessment as indicated in Course 4 column - EOPA). In addition to these pathways and optional Schools of Study, all Northview students have access to a variety of electives in every department to help students explore their interests and future aspirations (see course catalog for all elective options).

Math Progression Options:  Fulton County has published a math progression flow chart for Fulton County math. You can use this chart to understand how your math classes should progress.  Please note that Northview does not offer Honors only classes.  All Northview Honors classes are also accelerated, so if you are looking for an Honors track, follow the flow chart for Accelerated courses.

ELA Progression Options: Northview ELA Department has provided a ELA Course Options and Pathway Visual

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