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Counseling Newsletter
September 5, 2024
9/11 - New Student Breakfast at 10:15 AM
9/12 - Coffee w/ Counselors for Class of 2025 at 9:00 AM in the Media Center
9/18 - 9th/10th Grade Info Night at 6:00 PM in the theater
9/19 - 9th/10th Grade Advisement Meetings during ELA class
Coffee with Counselors
If you have a student graduating this year, we would love for you to join us on Thursday, September 12th at 9:00 AM in the Media Center for coffee. This is an opportunity for you to get your questions answered and have an informal conversation with the NHS counseling team. If you plan on attending, please click on this link to let us know: https://forms.gle/R3h8esaa6TKW2ena9.
Postsecondary Plan Survey in Naviance
Whether you want to go to a four-year or two-year institution, the military, workforce, take a gap year, or still unsure, your counselor is here to help! We are asking all seniors to complete the Class of 2025 Post Secondary Plan Survey in Naviance as soon as possible. All seniors must complete this task.
Requesting Additional Transcripts
Many of the college application platforms, i.e., Common App, will allow school counselors to upload high school transcripts. Therefore, students will not have to request transcripts outside of the application platform. However, if/when needed, students can request transcripts here via ScribOrder.
University of Georgia Unofficial Transcript
If applying to UGA, students must upload an unofficial high school transcript, with both weighted and unweighted grades on the same transcript, through their application status page. This will be completed by the student, not counselor. Counselors will still be required to submit the Secondary School Report and official transcript via Common App.
FAFSA Updates
The 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be available to students and families on or before December 1, 2024. The application will be released in phases, with a limited number of students and institutions testing the application on October 1, 2024. The application will then be gradually released to more users until it is fully available on December 1.
11th/12th Grade PowerPoint and FAQs
The PowerPoint presentations and FAQs from the Class of 2025 and 2026 Information Night have been posted. They are located on the Counseling website, www.northviewcounseling.com on the main page, as well as, under “Academic Advisements”.
9th/10th Grade Advisement & Information Night
On September 18th, counselors will be meeting with all 9th and 10th grade students during their ELA class. Students will meet their counselor, learn about graduation requirements, postsecondary options, and more. The same evening, counselors will be offering a Class of 2026/2027 Information Night. This is open to all parents/guardians of students in 9th or 10th grade. It will be held in the theater at 6:00 PM.
This fall, Pathways2Life will be offering an incredible learning opportunity for our families through their four-part Parenting Workshop. Each session will be unique and focus on ways to better connect and support your student. These will include, creating a “greenhouse” environment, emotional dysregulation, temperament types, and empowering parents to engage in courageous conversations. If interested, please complete the following interest form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=1ovVuJXp80WrDc01-OUwpYs2aNseup5IgIyajCZbMqBUMzJZN04zQk9MWTVISjlaTllGMjIxQkpHNS4u
Students can now register to attend college visits through their Naviance account. The linking error has been resolved and all visits are now available on the site. Log in at https://student.naviance.com/northview. Once logged in go to: Colleges > College Visit, Find the school, then >Register Now. Students must print out the registration page to use a pass to attend the visit. However, it is up to the teacher’s discretion if you will be excused from class. Two hours prior to the college visit, the link will be disabled. All college visits are in the counseling center unless otherwise noted.
Follow NHS Counseling for important updates and events on Instagram @northviewcounseling and/or via X (formally Twitter) @NHSCounsDept.
Thank you!
NHS Counseling 😊