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January 24, 2023
Counseling Newsletter
Mid-Year Reports
If the colleges/universities you are applying to require a Mid-Year Report, you will need to go into Naviance and request the “Mid-Year Transcript” for those specific schools, as Mid-Year reports will not be sent to your colleges/universities automatically. This will include your updated transcript with 1st semester grades and an explanation of any course changes, if applicable.
Transcripts will be ready to send early next week, so please go ahead and request at this time and we will begin processing requests once the mid-year transcript is uploaded into Naviance.
We encourage all students and families to complete the FAFSA by your college’s financial aid deadline.
For additional information, please visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
HOPE/Zell Miller
If interested in the HOPE or Zell Miller scholarship, be sure you have applied using either the FAFSA or GSFAPPS application. You must apply to be eligible. Check your HOPE GPA by creating an account on GAFutures.org. If you can’t see your HOPE GPA in GAFutures, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements including having taken your four rigor courses as defined by the GA Student Finance Commission. Here’ a link to information on qualifying for HOPE GPA - https://www.gafutures.org/media/kswotdbu/rigor-list-november-2021-print-ready.pdf. If interested in Zell, be sure you have submitted your qualifying SAT or ACT Scores.
Peachtree College Planning: How to Find the Right College & Avoid Overpaying Workshop
On Tuesday, February 7th, Peachtree College Planning will be hosting a workshop called "How to Find the Right College & Avoid Overpaying". They will have a live, in-person event at 12:00 PM in the NHS Media Center and a virtual event at 7:00 PM. The in-person event is for parents/guardians only and the virtual event will be open to all students, parents/guardians, etc.
Please see the attached flyer to register and for additional details regarding this workshop.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives Group Opportunity
The NHS Student Support Team is preparing to offer a stress management small group called Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives. During this 6-week long small group, students will have the opportunity to become more self-aware and develop strategies and skills in the areas of distress tolerance, impulse control, and decision making. Attached you will find a permission form with more information and logistics. Please email your student’s counselor by Tuesday, January 31 if you would like your student to participate.
Georgia Scholar Program
The 2023 Georgia Scholar Program application window is now open. Georgia public or private high school seniors who meet the eight criterion categories may complete the application. The 2023 Georgia Scholar Program application is due by 5 p.m. on February 10, 2023. The criterion and application form are available on our website here.
Applicants should be aware that Georgia Scholar is a recognition-only program. No scholarship funds are associated with this program. Graduating seniors who apply and meet the criterion will receive a seal for their diploma. The criterion is set in state law, and exceptions are not possible.
UNG Georgia Military Service Scholarship
Each year, the state of Georgia awards 42 top-performing high school seniors the University of North Georgia Military Service Scholarship (GMSS). The GMSS is a full four-year scholarship that pays for tuition, fees, books, room, meals, and uniforms. The 42 scholarships are awarded to the top 3 eligible candidates from each state congressional district. If a congressional district does not have 3 eligible applicants, then they are awarded to qualified candidates in other districts.
In order for students to be eligible for the GMSS, they are required to apply for admissions to the University of North Georgia as a cadet, have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, and meets all requirements to enlist in the Georgia Army National Guard. Your students can use the application fee waiver code ungcadet if they apply through GA Futures.
GMSS Application
For additional scholarship information please visit, https://www.northviewcounseling.com/scholarships-1.