n Nme.

December 12, 2022
Counseling Newsletter
If you are interested in requesting a schedule change for 2nd semester, you must complete a Schedule Change Request Form. You can find the form through the link below or by scanning the QR code found in the Counseling office. All requests must be made within the first 10 days of 2nd semester. After this date, no requests will be approved. Please know that while we make every effort to accommodate requests, completing this form does not guarantee a change will and can be made. If your request is approved, it will be reflected on your 2nd semester schedule in Infinite Campus.
These are the links to the Schedule Change Request Forms
Please pick the form that corresponds with your last name.
Students with last names A-Ci [Cara Dunn]: https://forms.gle/fZgKkKeYFBtGFVcR7
Students with last names Cl-Ji [Cindy Choung]: https://forms.gle/YdXhGZv72JoF26aE9
Students with last names Jo-M [Andy Alhadeff]: https://forms.gle/VUcFjjqFvQj5WgpZ6
Students with last names N-Si [Tiffany Heller]: https://forms.gle/XKbbRSgomActhqyGA
Students with last names Sl-Z [Rahman Sparks]: https://forms.gle/qchyTwdbyT6QFgHq9
2nd Semester Online Courses
If you are currently taking a yearlong course through FVS or GAVS, please make sure you have registered for part B of the course. This is not done automatically and requires you go into either FVS or GAVS to request 2nd semester. Please do so immediately and reach out to your counselor if you have any questions.
This is only for students currently enrolled in an online course, as the deadline to request an online course during this school year was May of last year. Therefore, all students in a face-to-face course currently will remain in that class and will not be able to switch to online for 2nd semester.
Naviance Deadlines
As a reminder, you are able and encouraged to submit your college applications once completed to meet your college’s deadline. You do not need to wait for your recommendation letters, transcripts, etc. to be sent before submitting your portion.
Some deadlines from Common App have not rolled over correctly. To change to the correct deadline, students must click the “EDIT” button on the request page and then click the dropdown for “App Type” and select the correct deadline. Be sure to save any updates!
January 1 and Other Early January Application Deadlines
You should have requested a transcript, and if applicable, letter of recommendation at this time. If you have not done so already, please do this as soon as possible. Requests received after this date may be processed by staff upon returning from winter break.
If you are interested in applying for local, state, college-specific, or national scholarships, please visit https://www.northviewcounseling.com/scholarships-1 for additional information.
Scholarship Highlight: University of North Georgia Miliary Service Scholarship
Each year, the state of Georgia awards 42 top-performing high school seniors the University of North Georgia Military Service Scholarship (GMSS). The GMSS is a full four-year scholarship that pays for tuition, fees, books, room, meals, and uniforms. In order for students to be eligible for the GMSS, they are required to apply for admissions to the University of North Georgia as a cadet, have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, and meets all requirements to enlist in the Georgia Army National Guard. Your students can use the application fee waiver code ungcadet if they apply through GA Futures.
We encourage all students and families to complete the FAFSA by your college’s financial aid deadline.
For additional information, please visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
Once you have registered for your spring dual enrollment course(s), you must send your counselor a screenshot of the approved registration.
The DE course(s) on this contract must match the courses you register for exactly; otherwise, you will be dropped from the DE course or not receive funding. If any changes occur after this form is submitted, please inform your counselor immediately and send an updated contract.
If you are having issues with registration, you will need to contact the college’s Dual Enrollment office immediately. If you are unable to register, please see your counselor to discuss another option for 2nd semester.
To request a transcript for Dual Enrollment applications, create a free Scrib Order account and place your request through https://fultonga.scriborder.com/applicationCurrent.