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March 2019 Counseling Newsletter
Parent University
Parent University: Juuling or Vaping. . . It's the "New" Thing
Vaping is a worrisome trend and epidemic among teenagers currently sweeping our communities and homes. It is a multi-billion dollar industry filled with many “myths” and misinformation created to lure teenagers to this expensive and risky, habit forming trend much like cigarettes years ago. Join us for a parent information session with Pathways2Life!
When: Monday, March 25, 2019
Where: Northview High School Media Center
Time: 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
RSVP Alicia McClung, MSW mcclunga1@fultonschools.org
Course Registration
Second Course Verification Form Changes Due - March 7th
These forms must be signed by parents. If you miss the March 7th deadline, be sure to submit the form to your counselor.
If you plan to take an online class over the summer, write the course on this verification form.
Online Course Requests Due to Counseling - April 15th
Fall and spring semester classes - you need to complete a blue online course form and submit it to your counselor. Register for all Fulton Virtual Schools courses. Register for GAVS courses as soon as registration opens online.
Summer semester classes - No form is needed, but you should indicate that you are taking a summer class on your course verification form by April 15th. Register for all Fulton Virtual classes by April 15th. Register for GAVS classes on April 15th.
Late submissions will not be approved.
Courses that list an A or B after the course title (i.e., World History A and World History B) are full year courses with A denoting the first semester and B denoting 2nd semester. Students should register to take A in the fall and B in the spring. Courses such as Economics, Personal Fitness, and Health are single semester classes and do not have an A or B listed after the course title. Students only sign up for the one semester of those classes.
Course Waiver Period for AP and Honors Classes Open - April 16th-22nd
Did you want to take an honors or AP class and weren't recommended for it? You can get a course waiver form from the counseling office starting on April 16th. It is due to counseling on April 22nd.
You must attach a copy of your 12-week progress report in order to be considered. The 12-week progress report is viewable in Home Access Center.
You may need to print a print screen of the report.
You may only request to waiver into two courses. If more than two classes are requested, then no waivers will be allowed.
Check out our Course Registration web page for more information.
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment (DE) is an opportunity for high school students to take college classes while still in high school. Students can go on campus and take classes at colleges like GSU Perimeter and Gwinnett Tech. Students who plan to take Georgia Tech virtual calculus will need to follow all instructions for dual enrollment. DE packets will be available in Counseling starting on Feb. 1st. Students must submit multiple forms and apply to the college of their choice by March 31st in order to participate in DE in fall semester. Don't forget to email a screen shot or other proof that you have been accepted by the college to Cathy Boatwright. BoatwrightC@fultonschools.org. Check out our Dual Enrollment web page for more information.
Student Opportunities Web Page
New Scholarship Opportunity for Class of 2020
The College Board has just announced their Opportunity Scholarships - The College Board Opportunity Scholarships guide you through the college planning process and offer you a chance to earn money for college for each action you complete. The College Board has specific college board-related activities that earn you credit for the steps. The steps are:
(1) build your college list ($500)
(2) practice for the SAT on Khan Academy ($1,000)
(3) improve your SAT score ($2,000)
(4) strengthen your college list ($500)
(5) complete the FAFSA ($1,000)
(6) apply to colleges, and
complete your journey (all six steps) ($40,000)
You must register for the program through the College Board. If you don't already have a College Board account, then create a College Board Account. Information is available online through https://opportunity.collegeboard.org/.
This program is open to students regardless of their family income. At least half of all the scholarships (over $2 million) will be designated for students whose families earn less than $60,000 per year.
Scholarships with Upcoming Deadlines
2019 Krimson Community Foundation Scholarship
FIDM National Scholarship Competition
IABA (International Association of Black Actuaries) Scholarship
Furman Scholars (for current juniors only)
Army National Guard Service Cancelable Loan
Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Biology Scholarships
Brian Jordan Foundation
Alpha Iota Delta Chapter of Chi Psi Oscar Virgil Bryan scholarship for GT males
Presbyterian College Fellows Award for Juniors
The Pearls of Purpose Foundation scholarship for a Fulton County senior with a minimum 80 numeric average who exhibits the spirit of academic achievement and community service.
Link to scholarship list: scholarships.
Northview High School is in the process of ordering diplomas for its seniors. Please go to Home Access Center to check the spelling of your name. If your name is spelled wrong, please email Ms. Boatwright at boatwrightc@fultonschools.org with the corrected name spelling.
Have you already committed to a college? Did you send your original transcript via Parchment?
If you have already committed to a college, they will want a copy of your final transcript after you graduate. If you used Parchment to send your original transcript, please order that transcript now! Log back in and request your transcript. Here's the catch! There's a question about when you want the transcript sent. The default option is "Send Now." You need to click on that drop down menu and change it to "Hold For Grades." Complete the rest of the questions and submit your request. If you applied via Common App or Coalition App, email your counselor starting on April 15th that you need them to upload your final transcript and tell them which school needs it.
PSAT Reports
PSAT score reports and EOC growth reports were handed out during home room in February and March. If you were not in home room to receive your report, check with Mrs. Jarabek in the counseling office to see if there's a report for you.
Girls Go Cyberstart Competition - Free Online Game
Girls Go CyberStart is a free online game that inspires high school girls to explore careers in computer science and cybersecurity. The Georgia Cyber Center is thrilled to collaborate with the state of Georgia to champion the Girls Go CyberStart program across the state. This is an incredible opportunity for students in Georgia to explore their interest and expand their knowledge in cybersecurity with opportunities for cash prizes for the school and participants. https://www.girlsgocyberstart.org/
Girls Go CyberStart is a free online game open to all female students in grades 9 through 12, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience with cybersecurity and information technology. The online series challenges students to act as cyber protection agents to solve cybersecurity-related puzzles and explore exciting, relevant topics such as cryptography and digital forensics in 3 rounds of competition. Web site is unclear but you either need to register by March 20th or on March 20th.
Round One - Cyberstart Assess
Open from 3/20/19 - 4/12/19
Encourage schools to create a "club" consisting of 5 girls and an advisor
High schools with a club consisting of at least 5 girls that complete 6 or more challenges will earn 50 licenses for the entire school to use CyberStart as a teaching tool for the remainder of the school year
For every 5 girls registered in a club that completes 2 challenges, your organization will receive an entry for chance to win $1,000
Round Two - CyberStart Game
Open from 4/22/19 - 6/28/19
As the game progresses, students visibly develop the drive to solve that next challenge, and the next...
Top schools in each state invited to select up to 4 girls to compete in Round 3
Round Three - CyberStart Compete
Open from 6/5/19 - 6/7/19
Compete with 25 other states in on online Capture the Flag competition
Cash prizes for individuals and schools winning nationally and within their state
Sanderson Test Prep Offers Free Online SAT/ACT Boot Camp
Sanderson Test Prep is offering a three-hour online boot camp from 1:00pm to 4:00pm on March 24th that will cover strategy and content necessary for success on SATs and ACTs. Registration link. Call or text for more information 305-801-1188 or sandersontestprep.com.
Perimeter College Open House - Alpharetta Campus
Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 06:00 PM until 08:00 PM
Perimeter College
3775 Brookside Pkwy
Alpharetta, GA 30022
United States
Come see why Georgia State University's Perimeter College is home to more freshmen than any other college in the state! We are hosting Open Houses to give you an opportunity to learn more about our campuses. During the Open House, you will have the chance to learn more about admissions, financial aid, academic pathways and even submit your admissions application. Link to registration.